Alexandre Da Costa, violon
Dir. Josep Caballé-Domenech
Alexandre Da Costa
Violoniste et chef d'orchestre
Édition internationale • SONY Espagne/Europe
Alexandre Da Costa
Orquesta Filarmonia de Jalisco
Marco Parisotto, chef
Édition internationale • SONY Espagne/Europe
Alexandre Da Costa
Speciale Édition Spéciale
Au programme :
Concerto pour violon en ré majeur de Beethoven,
Fire and Blood de Daugherty,
Concerto No 3 de Camille Saint-Saëns et la
Symphonie espagnole d'Édouard Lalo.
2 CD
Alexandre Da Costa • Saint-Saëns
Living and playing in Spain, speaking and being born into a
Francophone world, Alexandre Da Costa understands, as few others do, how this music lives: its French subtlety and aristocratic grace; the sense of bravery, even haughtiness and matador-like concentration that is authentically Spanish.
Alexandre Da Costa est toujours aussi brillant, vif dans ses attaques et passionnant dans son approche musicale. Il livre, avec cette nouveauté, une puissant interprétation du Concerto pour violon de Saint-Saëns.
Christophe Rodriguez
Alexandre Da Costa • Beethoven's
Violin Concerto
Beethoven’s music blends the arts with contemporary history and, by virtue of this amalgamation, outshines not only everything around it but even the creations of the past and of the future.
The Seventh Symphony and theViolin Concerto: both present the individual in its relation to the world, to the “Greater Whole”.
“Da Costa's performance is an accomplished one, filled
withhis trademark personality and sensitivity,
and the symphony's power and authority is reinforced
by this confident performance.”
John Suchet's Album of the Week, October 2013, Classic FM, UK
Alexandre Da Costa • Édouard Lalo's Symphonie espagnole
Here’s an experiment for the hitherto ‘passive’ listener. Grab every Lalo Symphonie Espagnole from your shelves – or, if you’re not a classical anorak with 20 recordings of every-thing, dart to your computer and load up your favourite music streaming service. Then have a quick listen to the first 30 seconds of each. There’s every chance that you will find they almost all start fast, sometimes fierce, sometimes playful. Then listen to this recording – that beginning – the pace is reined in, it’s trenchant, even dark. And this is very much the world-view of its soloist, Alexandre Da Costa.
Very probably it is the Symphonie Espagnole that will grab the attention of most in purchasing this recording as, quite understandably, it has become viewed as one of those 'top of the classical pops' works that everyone wants in their collection.
James Inverne
Alexandre Da Costa • Daugherty's
Fire and Blood
Soloist Alexandre Da Costa is simply one of the most genuine and committed musicians it has been my pleasure to work with in many years. Perfectionist, yes, but also a man who plays with heart and the deep desire to persuade all who hear him that music can profoundly affect you. His unique and plangent tone is ideal for Michael Daugherty’s violin music. The experience was, in a word ‘superbe.’
Evans Mirageas
Best Classical Album of The Year 2012
Wonny Song
Liszt’s Weinachtsbaum or Christmas Tree Suite has never gained a solid foothold in the piano repertoire, perhaps because it is devoid of the stereotypical Lisztian virtuosic shell. It yet remains a fantastic, loveable and engaging collection of pieces, and deserves a better fate than being performed sporadically when the first snow falls. Like Debussy’s Children’s Corner and Schumann’s Scenes from Children, the work captures the wonderful marvels of the magic of childhood through the eyes of an adult. Dedicated to his granddaughter, Daniela von Bülow, more than half of these are paraphrases on famous Christmas carols and the others, such as Lighting the tree or Chimes are evocative of the Christmas holidays.
Wonny Song